2021-2027 Master in EU Project Design and Management – Capital City Tour
We will be all over Europe with a unique, unrepeatable tour!
Are you ready to design winning projects?
Choose the Master that will help you develop innovative skills and get the new European Funds 2021-2027.
Finally in person (with proper health and security measures)! 5-day intensive in the classroom – in Europe’s most beautiful cities – learning from the industry’s top professionals.
EU Funds are a fundamental financial asset for all: businesses, start-ups, associations, public entities, and even professionals. Learning how to obtain them is an incredible opportunity to grow, start fresh, and realize your greatest dreams.
And you? Are you ready to discover the new 2021-2027 European program funded by more than 1,800 billions of euros?
This Master is a tour of Europe’s most important cities, offering a top course near whoever wants to immediately start thinking, drawing-up and realizing an EU funds project.
The time is now. [In 3 languages]
With a new format of 5 super intensive days to develop innovative and fundamental skills to write a winning project proposal.
This training course is engaging and interactive with ad hoc spaces to listen to your project ideas and group project work led by the teachers.
It is aimed at those who want to become EU project designers and take advantage of the great career opportunities in this sector, as well as at those who aim to broaden their knowledge in the field of EU funds in order to grow their organization, company, or individual idea.
There are many sectors involved: environmentalism, employment, culture, training, education, research, SMEs and business services, tourism, and communication.
Become an EU Project designer, one of the most requested positions on the job market. Develop crucial skills and add an important Master in the EU funds sector to your CV/resume.
- The EU Project Designer is an expert in community funds, can work as a freelancer, as an agent in a public or private EU funds organization that habitually takes part in calls for bids in order to obtain European funding.
- The designer’s role consists of monitoring the bids that go out, submitting proposals, and formulating projects that are successful in obtaining the funds available in the many sectors in which the European Union intervenes.
- In the design phase, the EU project designer verifies the accessibility of the call for bids, manages the international partners, and studies the best and most competitive idea for a bid. Once the funding has been obtained, it is the EU project designer who is responsible for managing the ongoing project and reporting on it.
- This role is in increasingly high demand by companies and public bodies, with ever-increasing career opportunities, given the importance that is placed on European funds when it comes to restarting the European economy in the coming months.
5 day intensive
Tuesday – Saturday
Skill Level
Registration fee
NOW DISCOUNTED AT 597 euro [Previously 1297€]Vat excl.
Daily timetable:
Day 1 h. 9 am/2 Pm
Day 2 h. 9 am/6 Pm
Day 3 h. 9 am/6 Pm
Day 4 h. 9 am/6 Pm
Day 5 h. 9 am/2 Pm
(Italian language)
January 24-28, 2023 (Italian language)
January 17th/21st, 2023 (English language)
March 7-11, 2023 (Idioma español)
March 14-18, 2023 (Idioma español)
May 16-20, 2023 (English language)
July 4-8, 2023 (English language)
September 5-9, 2023 (English language)
December 3-7, 2023 (English language)
Project-Cycle-Management: management in partnership with the Project Cycle
The phases of project design within the New Logical Framework
Phases of Analysis: analyses of key players, analyses of problems, analyses of objectives
Phases of Project Design: definition and meaning of levels within the logical landscape, methods of intervention, indicators, analyses of risk, timely scheduling of activity
The role of the hypothesis in the logical framework
Objective-Tree Model
Evaluation of external factors
Advances and state of the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the period of 2021-2027
Specialized insights into some of the main programs: Life, Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, Digital Europe, Education & Training, Innovation and Social Change, Europe for Citizens, CERV, Erasmus Plus, Interreg.
The new EU program for 2021-2027
Budget lines available in the different sectors
EU Sources of Information
The actors at play, roles and skills: the community institutions and the elements of reference
Basics of: regulatory procedure, community acts, EU administrative structure
Key actors, roles and responsibilities: EU institutions and references
Base knowledge of: regulatory procedure, Community acts, EU administrative structure
Internal policies of the European Union
PM2 Open Project Management Methodology
Techniques and methods of drafting winning EU projects
Reference documents: work plans, bids, forms
Administrative procedures for submitting projects
Planning: actions and work plan
Development of the projects
Financing Matrix of a project
Development of international and local partnership
Structuring the project: mission, strategy, consistency with the organization’s objectives
Budget setting: eligible expenses, co-funding
Elements of project management and reporting: project process, from conception to conclusion; negotiation and contract with EU Institutions, regulations and thresholds
Institutional structures and organizational models (internal management, ad hoc structures, steering committees)
Impact, communication and dissemination. A winning social media strategy in EU project planning.
Notes on evaluation: objectives, procedures, interlocutors
Testimony: analysis of successful projects using pre-prepared forms (relating to projects pre-approved by the European Commission)
In-classroom Workshop under the supervision of a professor and a tutor: study and creation of a EU project based on a real open call; with guidelines and application form.
European project design Workshop applied to Real Calls.
Project-Work phase with online Tutoring Service (free benefit – exclusively on private Facebook group iProject Europa): help with the draft of the project, news and up-to-date info on events and EU calls (for 6 months, or more, at the end of the course – the students, individually or in groups, will draft the form to obteain the master’s final certification).

Will I get a certificate? Much more than that!
The Master awards a Certificate of Completion of the Sprint Master to all participants (ISO 21001 Quality Certificate).
It also guarantees registration in the European Register of European Project Designers (EUPF Register of EU-Projects Designers and Managers – Europe Project Forum Foundation), an independent organization based in Amsterdam hosting 5000 registered professionals.
Value Proposition
Europa Business School is proudly part of the EU Digital Skills and Job Coalition, a key initiative of the European Union that unites Member States, Companies, Associations, and Educational Entities to address the widespread lack of digital skills in the era of Web 4.0.
We partner with the “Europe Project Forum Foundation” (which takes care of the European Register of Euro-designers, an organization based in Amsterdam that boasts a network of about 5500 registered professionals); we are members of “PM² Alliance”, an international organization that connects professionals, trainers, experts and project managers from all over Europe and collaborates with other organizations and institutions to promote improved project management in Europe; finally, we reference ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) a credit transfer system developed to facilitate the recognition and transfer of learning outcomes when it comes to the acquisition of a qualification or part of it and to Euro Apprenticeship.

The Europa Business School already has many satisfied students.
An educational choice steeped in European value.

The Teachers of this Sprint Master
Teachers make all the difference when it comes to the quality of education. The teachers in this master are exclusively European experts with more than 20 years of experience in the field. They work and have worked in European institutions, on behalf of major organizations, from universities to chambers of commerce, businesses, associations, P.A., and as freelance consultants.
The most important thing? Not only do they design projects that win bidding calls, but they have the ability to impart their vast knowledge and methods in a concrete, comprehensible way.
Our Teachers – Only Senior Professionals

PCM Group - We+Network
Comune di Bologna
EU Project Forum Foundation - EU Digital Europe
Europe Business School, Storytelling