Discover the Master EU PROJECTS DESIGN & MANAGEMENT Plus [Online +On demand] [NEW]

Become a Specialist in EU Funding. Start your career as an EU Projects Designer & Manager.
Develop essential job-ready skills in just 2 months – no experience needed. Get your EU Business Excellence Certification.

A brand-new online format with the best professionals in EU Projects Design & Management.

Are you looking for the latest news about the EU Programs 2025-2030 with 1020+ billion euros of budget already in the pipeline?

Do you want to learn how to write a winning European project proposal?

Enjoy the flexibility to learn at your own pace, all 100% online. EU Funds are the key financial instrument for innovative projects of development in all sectors and are aimed at associations, public bodies, SMEs, private organizations and now professionals too.

Enter the world of European Projects. Specialise now and discover a myriad of opportunities that will help you realise your own projects.

European Union flags in front of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium


8 weeks – 45 HOURS TOTAL

15 Live webinar lessons

15 On demand lessons



MIDDLE level





[REGULAR FEE 1297 €]


(Reverse charge/Vat 22% IT excl.)



  • 2025, MARCH 6th
  • 2025, APRIL 26th





The Masters course features an executive formula of 20 Lessons, 45 hours in total: :

  • 20 Lessons of High-level professional training (of 1.5 hours each, twice a week)
  • 10 hours of Question and Answer sessions with the course lecturers (after each lecture – 0.5 hours)
  • 5 hours of extra Question time with teachers

Lessons are held two times a week – Thursdays 6.15-7.45 PM; Fridays 5.15-6.45 PM (for 10 weeks). Following Q&A.
Classes are available on-demand on the e-learning platform from the next 3 following day.

Two certificates are issued: the “certificate of completion” at the end of the 20 lessons webinar; the “final executive certificate” after passing the project work thesis on a real call of the EU Commission.

Europa Business School Partnerships

Our teachers


What will you learn?

  1. The new Multiannual Framework Program 2021-2027
    2. European Institutions and bodies
    3. Executive Projects Design – Techniques e Methods – (Reference papers: work plans, calls, forms)
    4. PCM Methodology – Project-Cycle Management
    5. Executive Projects Design – Techniques e Methods (How to develop an international partnership – Matrix of Financeability)
    6.PM²: the Project Management methodology developed by the European Commission
    7. New Logical Framework
    Group mock exercise on PCM
    8. Executive Projects Design – Techniques e Methods (Structuring a project: mission, strategy, coherence with the goals of the organization, setting the budget, eligible expenditure, co-funding)
    9. Executive Projects Design – Techniques e Methods
    10. Focus: in-depth analysis of the EU Main programs: Life, Horizon Europe
    11. Focus: in-depth analysis of the EU Main programs: Europe for Citizens, Erasmus Plus
    12. Focus: in-depth analysis of the EU Main programs: SME Instrument, Digital Europe, Cohesion Fund
    Group exercise – Test
    13. Designing a winning european Project proposal
    14. Management of the project: how to build a project – from the first to the final steps; negotiations and agreements with EU, rules and connections
    15. Case histories and best practices: analysis of successful projects with the help of previously drafted forms (on projects already approved by the European Commission)
    16. Project Evaluation – Monitoring
    17. SWOT Analysis of the group exercise (on a real, open call)
    18. Projects’ Communication and Dissemination of the results
    19. Financial Reporting of european projects
    20. Institutional assets and management models (internal handling, ad hoc structures, steering committees)
    Workshop and Project-Work phase with online Tutoring Service.

Who is this master for?

The Master is for people with previous experience in EU planning who want to enhance their knowledge but also for people who want to improve their skills and get started in this fertile field with a solid base knowledge and be competitive from the get-go.
There are no access requirements and you don’t need a qualification. Also, there is no age limit: it’s open to whoever wants to be innovative and eager to learn new things in order to carry out important projects of development in different fields.

  • High School Graduates, College Students, Graduand and Graduates
  • Professionals, Consultants, Freelancers
  • Non-profit Organisations, Consulting Agencies
  • Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade Associations
  • Researchers and Research Centres
  • Managers and Officials of the Public Administration, Local Authorities
  • Universities, Education and Training Institutes

Arianna Ioli
Founder and director of the Business School

“We welcome this new European Business School, because the world around us is changing by the second, and to keep up with its pace, something new has to be created. With Europa BS, you have the chance to take your skills to an international level, and to broaden your job horizons. From the very first day in class, you will learn that you have an impact on the future, and discover day-by-day the opportunities that open up to all those who look ahead and accept the challenge of digital transformation!”

What skills will you learn with the Master?

With the Master Participants will:

  • learn from the most renowned and experienced professionals in the field how to navigate the various direct funds and choose the most suitable for your project, easily finding the necessary papers and acquiring an excellent knowledge of the management systems of European funding sources
  • find inspirations and ideas for new projects
  • be more productive thanks to new techniques, tools and working methods
  • learn how to network, acquire more knowledge from other participants, find potential partners, exchange ideas and seek cooperative solutions to new challenges
  • master Europlanning techniques and the administrative and operational management of projects;
  • develop a true networking culture;
  • apply the know-how acquired in the field of Europlanning, creating real projects.

Teaching Method

  • Lectures to develop concrete and job-orientated skills on European projects funding
  • Workshops and exercises on real case studies to gain in-depth experience with content
  • Executive talks with international hi-flyng EU Project Designers and manager
  • Experience-based learning with case studies and exercises
  • Constant monitoring during the e-learning process
  • Final Project-work to obtain your Masters qualification
  • 2 classroom meetings during the course (optional)

What is the strenght of this master?

You will find the most renowned and accomplished Professionals of the sector, highly experienced with a very advanced know-how.
You will learn-by-doing from the best Professionals in Europe!

Are you ready for a valuable experience?

Signing up for the Master of European Projects Design & Management by Europa Innovation Business School is a smart investment on your own future.
The education provided by Europa Innovation Business School is certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality standard.


Job Oriented Masters – Professional opportunities

  • EU Projects Designer & Manager
  • Expert technician of EU Funding Programme & Grants
  • EU Funding & Grants Consultant

Become a Specialist Certified EU Business Excellence.

What’s included in the MASTER?

ONLINE MASTER – Now on sale at only 864 € [regular fee 1297 €] Vat excl. – (Students: only 664 €)

With the [Online] Master in European Projects Design & Management you can learn from your own place 100% online. Our E-learning platform will give you access to updated contents and useful exercises you can choose to do alone or with the network.

  • [Online] Master in European Projects Design & Management: 45 training hours in total + Final Project Work

MASTER ONLINE +LIVE FACTORY – Now on sale at only 1196 € regular fee 1597 €– (Students: only 864 €)

If you want to go deeper in the experience of the Master, you can enroll in Europa Factory. The Factory includes, in addition to the standard e-learning course, 2 days of live meeting in presence.
Our mission is making your learning process as complete and inspiring as possible.

  • [Online] Master in European Projects Design & Management + Live Factory: 45 training hours + 15 class hours (2 intensive days in Brussels, November 24th-25th, 2023) = 60 hours in total + Final Project Work